Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Christian Louboutin: Part II

I would like to begin this post with a short story:

My first word was "shoe".
True story.

I do not have an obsession with shoes. I have a relationship with them. I am sure that there are many women in the world that are in the same relationship and I can tell you that I am only jealous of those who get personal one-on-one time with "Loubi's." I am utterly jealous of those that manage to get their toes on these beauties and can only dream of the day that I get a pair of my very own! Stephen, this is where you might want to grab a pen and paper and take note of the above. Also note that I will be perfectly content and happy with any pair on the link below except for anything with a 2 inch heel...those are reserved for the Helen Mirren's of the world and I would like to not feel old in my ripe age.

I would like to point out that JLO wore these to the Grammys. I don't remember what her dress looked like.

Miss Tack 85mm
Bri: I would like to point out that Lily Bass has worn these on a few occasions. They suit her.
