A fellow Gossip Girl fanatic across the country asked me to reveal what I thought about EVERYTHING about tonight's episode, "Shattered Bass." If you do not give a hoot about GG, I give you permission to stop reading. You have been warned. So here goes....
First thing I would like to say is that I LOVED Blair's engagement party dress! I wanted this episode to be solely about Blair because of this dress.
Continuing on the subject of Blair, I think that she might be making a huge mistake by marrying Louis, the Prince of Monaco. Ok, sure, so she's super happy, but is she really? No, of course she's not because she is meant to be with Chuck. I will be devastated if she is following her dream of being an actual princess and doesn't follow her destiny in Chuck Bass. I realize that I take their fictional relationship way too seriously. Deal with it.
Next, I would like to point out what a crazy floozy Charlie is. She trashed her crazy pills?! She's going after Dan (her cousin's ex-bf/step brother - strange) and to top it off, she is attempting to replace Serena. Cuckoo! This is Serena's dress fo sho. Look familiar? Dan is getting retarded by trying to do whatever he's doing with this girl. Not smart. Serena must not be messed with. She will bring them down. Obviously. She's gotta go.

I do not like Reyna's character. Nor am I a fan of her father, but at least they clear Bart's name on setting that fire! Nate needs to get himself out of that mess PRONTO! Nate is better than all this. He needs his own story soon. I'm ready to get some Nate drama. Bring back Bri Buckley please!
The last thing I am going to say about this episode is that I am glad that Chuck and Jack seems to be rekindling something. I JUST realized that whoever plays Jack on GG, also plays on my other favorite show...DEXTER! He's Quinn! You have no idea how long I have been watching Dexter and have been trying to figure out where I know Quinn from. I kept thinking it was 90210...I couldn't be more dense! Gossip Girl follows me wherever I go! Haha! By the way, my favorite line of this episode came from Jack. Thorpe and Chuck were revealing all kinds of drama about the fire back in the day and Chuck was being the bigger man. Jack was trying to order Chinese and says, "I can't choose an entree with the Hallmark hall of fame going on in here." haha! Oh Jack....

Overall, I loved this episode and can't believe there is only one more episode this season. Blair better end up with Chuckster. Thorpe is going to lock Blair up on the roof and set the building on fire and then Chuck is going to come in his helicopter and save her. Maybe? Probably not. But Thorpe is going to get violent at C and B's expense to get back at them when he should really be getting back at Nate. Maybe that is where Nate's drama is going to come from? At any rate, both Thorpes need to go back to Chicago. No one wants them in New York.
So there you have it...my thoughts on this episode of GG! What are your thoughts?