Sunday, July 31, 2011

Coffee Solution!

If you read my post "Coffee Break," you are aware of my situation. I have had the coffee blues, so to speak, since the coffee maker broke. The single cup filter wasn't cutting it either. Behold! My coffee dreams have come true with a Keurig!

Brew one perfect cup at a time. It even brews my loose leaf tea and eliminates my need to buy a second infuser.

This is not me, but this is how I feel about this new addition to our household.
Happy Drinking!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Egg McMuffin Face-Off

This afternoon around 4:00 pm I was having a massive craving for a McDonald's Egg McMuffin. I immediately flashed back to this morning's weigh-in at my bathroom scale and made the smart and healthy decision to make a less fatty version. Decision heavily weighed by the fact that it is after 11:00am and Mickey D's no longer serves breakfast.

The hunt was on. After hitting up two grocery stores looking for the right stuff, I had everything I needed to satisfy my craving.

This is what I made.

Oroweat Double Fiber English Muffin
Kraft American Singles, Fat Free Cheese
Hormel Deli Sliced Ham (2 slices)
Sunnyside Egg substitute (1/4 cup)

Toast Muffin.
Fry egg.

It was bomb. Not only was it delicious, it is healthier than my evil-to-my-waistline alternative.

Let us compare

Calories: 210______________ Calories: 300
Total Fat: 2.8g _____________Total Fat: 12g
Sodium: 930 mg ____________Sodium: 820 mg
Total Carbohydrates: 33.5g____ Total Carbohydrates: 30g
Dietary Fiber: 8g___________ Dietary Fiber: 2
Sugars: 7.5g ______________ Sugars: 3g
Protein: 20g______________ Protein: 8g

Weight Watcher's Points: 6 ___Weight Watcher's Points: 8

With my recipe, I can shave 90 calories and 2 WW points off of my meal.

Do any of you have any healthier alternatives to some of your calorie-unfriendly meals?

Coffee Break!

Since my coffee maker broke and thus, broke my heart, I have been trying to make do with other remedies. Why-you might be wondering-do I not just buy a new coffee maker for $10 at Wal-mart? I don't know. Laziness? Lack of caffeine perhaps? So I have been unsuccessfully trying to make coffee via other pathways.
#1) The Italian Coffee Maker
Not working for me. You fill the bottom part up with water and put the coffee in the "waist" of the thing and put it on the stove. The water boils, the steam rises through the grinds and viola the 1/2 cup of coffee is magically finished in the top compartment. How about no. There is no timer, I usually burn it, and there is a cloud of coffee grinds in the bottom of my tiny cup. This is not working out for me.

#2) Single Cup Coffee Filter
This has been something that has not worked, then worked. This little guy sits on top of the coffee mug. you put a cone filter in it and fill it up with hot water and it will drip down directly into your mug! It has only taken me 5 tries to finally get the ratio of grinds to water to make a good cup. I was so thrilled with my work this morning that I needed to blog about it. Mind you, this is the first relatively good cup of coffee I have had in about 3, I am a happy camper.

Do any of you have any other coffee-making alternatives? Let me know!